Sunday, April 9, 2017

5 Good Habits Before Bed to Help Lose Weight

night's sleep does not just break. This activity can help your weight loss program and you also know.

Good night and sleep quality are one of the easiest ways to lose weight. The study of the Annals of Internal Medicine also wrote that a diet supplemented with 8.5 hours of sleep per night has decreased fat levels doubled compared with the diet but their lack of sleep.

For a quieter night's sleep and 'programmed' to help the weight loss process, the following five good habits that you can do before going to bed:

1. Drink warm milk

Before bed, you should drink a glass of warm milk. In addition to making you more relaxed and comfortable, this practice also prevent flatulence or hungry in the middle of the night. A glass of milk before bed will also help you build more muscle while sleeping.

This is because milk is rich in casein, a form of protein that is slowly digested and can make the muscles work more optimally. As it was written in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.

2. Lower the room temperature

If possible, make more cool room temperature before bed at night. According to researchers from NYU Langone Center Comprehensive Epilepsy Center sleep, Rebecca Scott, Ph.D., a cold room temperature will make you sleep better.

Another study published in the journal Diabetes also said that when a person is sleeping in a cold room, the heating process takes place in the body which then also affects the process of burning calories.

3. Reading books

For body and your mind is calm, it is recommended to do the things your favorite bedtime. A reading books. According to Scott, do your favorite things before bed can help you relax and sleep will be easier, and more soundly.

4. Set the light

Do not forget to adjust the lighting and light bedtime yes. the light is too bright, in fact, can interfere with sleep quality and reduce the production of melatonin in the body. If possible, turn off the lights or use a light sleep stage lighting with a dimmer.

5. Yoga

Although intense exercise scheduled too close to the bed can backfire with energy, do some light stretching or yoga before (or during) the bed helps the body relax, Nadolsky said.

For more fun, combining deep, diaphragmatic breathing to move you. Here's how to do it: Inhale through your nose and out through your mouth, focus on taking slow, full breaths that raise and lower your stomach, not your chest. Doing so enabled the 'rest and digest' your parasympathetic nervous system to reduce tension and help you sleep.
